Pine Needle Mulching with Patriot Chippers

Hi, I’m Keith the owner of Patriot Products.  About a year ago, we began posting videos on our webpage of our products in action.  Many of you sent me emails asking how our chippers and shredders do with pine cones and pine needles.  Today we went out and gathered 3 different sizes of pine cones and some pine needles.  I’m going to run them through one of our shredders and show you the results.  Today I will be using the CSV 2540, it’s our gas powered 4 horsepower wood chipper Honda unit, to shred up some of this material and show you what the results look like.

As you can see, the full bag of pine cones is reduced to this relatively small pile and what you have is really fine pieces of material which you could use for mulch around some of your trees, maybe between your raspberry bushes.  You see what it does with the real small pine cones, now we’ll try it with what I call some medium sized pine cones.

The pine cones were a little larger, probably about twice the size, and as you can see the results we get are nearly the same.  We get nice, finely ground up material.
Now let’s see what it can do with some of the larger pine cones. These Larger pine cones produce basically the same result and are beat up into a real fine mulching material with many uses around your property.  As you can see, it’s a dusty process so we recommend gloves and safety goggles.

The last thing we would like to show you today are some pine needles.  These are Austrian pine needles, probably about 3-5 inches long.  Let’s run some of those through the mighty shredder and see what they look like.

We took this bag of pine needles roughly 3 feet tall by 2 feet wide, ran it through the Patriot shredder, and wound up with this nice pile of shredded material, probably reducing it 4 to 1.  This is some nice material that you could use as some bedding around your plants.  Today we showed you what the Patriot chipper-shredder can to with pine needles and pine cones.  If you are thinking about buying a chipper-shredder, I would like to encourage you to buy the Patriot chipper-shredder.  Try it for 90 days, if you are not 100% satisfied with this chipper-shredder’s performance send it back and I will refund your money.

When you’re looking for the best in lawn care equipment, shop gas and electric wood chipper leaf shredders online today from Patriot Products, Inc.